Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN || Advertising Beer Sign – TheBoxSF

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Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN || Beer - TheBoxSF
Old Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN, Beer - TheBoxSF
Old Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN, Beer - TheBoxSF
Old Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN, Beer - TheBoxSF
Old Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN, Beer - TheBoxSF

Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN || Advertising Beer Sign

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 Old Pieters’s Bier Triple Blonde SIGN, Beer Sign

100% Guaranteed Old and Authentic - NO REPRODUCTIONS

Approx. Size(inches): 13 x 6

Approx. Age: Early 1900s

Condition: Good, see photos

Company: Pieters’s Bier

These Pieter's Bier Signs are in good condition. The cardboard has warped somewhat and the colorful felt surface have flaked away from around some of the lettering. Additionally, the edges have been worn or discolored slightly from age. Age has also dulled the gold leaf in the corners of the design. There are a few minor scuff marks or indentations on the signs' surfaces, as well. However, these minor issues are comparatively minor to the overall arresting effect of the striking design. Vibrant, crisp, and clean, each of these signs would look splendid on display. 

Please see our photos for a closer look. Thank you!

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